Connolly Motors mechanics Sandgate provide a complete fuel injector cleaning services for all types of vehicles. Our mechanics have experience with all types of vehicles and the various injector systems found across the Australian vehicle fleet.
We bench test and measure the fuel flow and spray patterns of your fuel injectors. Often an ultrasonic clean is sufficient however we can overhaul them if needed and get your injectors back to peak performance & fuel efficiency.
For cost effective and reliable fuel injector cleaning services, you can call in or book anytime. Our qualified mechanic technicians will diagnose and repair all issues, and offer valuable maintenance and scheduled check-up options.
At Connolly Motors, we guarantee our workmanship, and offer fair pricing. We have been trusted mechanics in Sandgate since 1951. We get rave reviews about our fair pricing (customers say we are the best in town), good old fashioned service and our mechanic workmanship. To read our testimonials go to: