Connolly Motors mechanics Sandgate perform expert brake repair services. Servicing your car will always involve an inspection of your braking system but sometimes you can be the first to notice a problem. Either you notice, or someone around you notices that something is not right about your brakes. Early warning signs can be a high-pitched squeal with or without the brake depressed. Your brake pads were designed to create this noise to warn of worn components. This is definitely the perfect time to present your vehicle to Connolly Motors for a brake inspection.
Brake warning signs to be aware of:
- Brakes making excessive noise
- Vehicle pulling left or right when brakes applied
- Vibration or pulsation when brakes applied
- Brake warning light is on
- Brake pedal feels spongy
- Stopping distance has changed
- Brake pedal feels hard- little or no assistance
Depending on how quickly you bring us your brakes to get checked out, your braking system will be susceptible to damage. If left for too long, damage can be incurred to your calipers or rotors/discs.
The sound of ‘metal on metal’ is a sign of worn out pad material and is a cause for concern on safety grounds. We will ensure your brakes will last at least until your next scheduled service.
The following services are available at Connolly Motors
- Renew brake pads – Bendix are first choice
- Brake fluid flush and renew fluid.
- Machining of rotors and drums if appropriate
- Renew brake drums or rotors if required
- Overhaul brake calipers
- Renew cracked or leaking brake hoses
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